Tuesday, December 31, 2013


Welcome to Shannon Leigh Speaks! 

Follow my blog with Bloglovin  I am a person with varied interests and hobbies, and an unexplainable urge to share them with people.  I LOVE to write.  It's therapeutic and relaxing to me.  Why do I need relaxation, you ask?  I'm a mom to three: Karleigh-4, Mason-2, and Matthew-28 (Yes, I include my husband in the child category, as he requires just as much attention as my little ones). I am also a teacher to special needs first graders and a full-time graduate student. Needless to say, there aren't many dull moments in my life...

So, why add a blog to the madness??!!  Simply because I'm passionate about it, and I believe that you should always make time for things that you are passionate about!  

This blog will be just as eclectic as my life.  I will cover topics including beauty, recipes, home decor, tips, and mommy humor.  I've come up with the following schedule so there would be some type of organization :)

Mommy Monday:  Mommy Monday will include tips (although, it will  probably be more like me asking you guys for tips), suggestions, and stories that I think fellow mommies (or daddies) will appreciate.

Whatever I Want Wednesday:  I am a woman, and therefore, I change my mind a little (my husband would say A LOT).  I want a day where I can write about WHATEVER I want (or whatever YOU want).

Fancy Friday:  You guessed it!  The ever popular beauty blog!  What can I say??  I am such a girl.  I love make-up, clothes, and accessories.  However, I am a mom with limited time and money.  Although I enjoy all things beauty, I am NOT a make-up artist, I stink at doing my hair, and I tend to wear the same 5 outfits over and over again.  However, I love learning...isn't that why we are ALL here??  

Weekly Hoorays and No Ways:  This blog will include my favorite, and not so favorite, products, snacks,tips, etc.  

I look forward to starting this journey with you!  Please subscribe and share with your friends!

With Love,


  1. Love the versatility of your blog. Look forward to seeing you around

    Carrieanne xx

  2. Thanks for the support! I'm heading over to your blog right now!

