Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Whatever I Want Wednesday...Bring it on 2014!

2014 already?!  Where does the time go?  It seems like each year flies by faster and faster...and I get more boring every year.  What did I do to ring in the New Year??  Go to an awesome concert?  No.  Dance the night away with my friends?  Ha!  No.  I sat on my couch surfing the internet, cuddled next to this sweet thing. 

 Yep, Sadie and I lounged around in our sweat pants (well, I wore sweat pants...if Sadie wore sweat pants, we'd have some issues).  Sadie spent most of the night shaking in fear from the fireworks being shot off in our neighborhood, and I spent most of the night fighting my urge to go out on the front porch and yell at all of the amateur pyrotechnic technicians.  With every pop, I expected to see Karleigh and Mason walk sleepily down the hallway; their slumber (and my peace) being interrupted by the noise.  But lucky for me, and my neighbors, they slept through it all. 

 In the silence, I started thinking about the most obvious New Year's topic: my resolution.  I'm not really one to make resolutions, as I usually break them after a few days.  This year, though, something is different.  I'm not sure what it is.  Maybe it's getting older ( I'm closing in on 30), maybe it's having children, I'm not sure.  I REALLY believe that I won't break this resolution.  What is this almighty resolution, you ask?  It's simple....I'm going to stop second guessing myself.  There have been so many things that I've wanted to do or try in my life, but I've always over-analyzed EVERYTHING.  I've stopped myself from trying a lot of things.  This blog, for example.  I've wanted to do this for a long time, but always stopped myself.  What will people think?  Will they think that I think I know it all??  Well, Shannon, who cares?!  If it makes me happy, why give a flip about what people think?  Starting in 2014, if there is something I want to do or try, I'm gonna (sorry, I'm southern) do it.  And if people don't like it, then they won't read it.  That's the worst that can happen.  I feel empowered and ready to take on 2014.  What are your resolutions (if you make them)?

With Love,

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  1. Mine resolution is similar... I'm going to be more decisive. There have been days where I call my husband at work just to ask what I should eat for lunch!!! So this year, I'm trying to decide on things for myself (with a second opinion every once in a while.) Love reading your blog! :)

  2. Thanks for reading! It has been so much fun! Good luck on your resolution...I know I do the same thing sometimes...everyone once in a while you just don't want to have to think...I'm HATE making decisions!

  3. Well, my resolution is to stress less about all those wonderful teaching duties. I've managed it so far (we have only had 8 school days so far!) The first half of my year I was so consumed with all the paperwork, behavior issues, and learning the many responsibilities at my new school that I neglected my own kids, husband and home. Anyway, I'm sure I will break this resolution as some point soon, but hopefully I will remember this resolution and leave some of those worries in my classroom rather than bringing them home with me!
    p.s. This post is great. Makes me miss my SMN family!
